Rainbow Arch Over Clouds

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Birthday Special Edition! :D

Yesterday was msp's birthday! So to celebrate I've made a totally cute look in favour of this :) 
Totally hot, cute and sassy , perfect for fashionista's who have style! A near-total VIP outfit, with black and white lethal leather shorts to give that 'dress look' :D This total outfit costs 2850sc- so save up! 

تMy other Red Nose Day Awareness outfit, perfect for any season,  it is a VIP outfit but some things can be altered , such as the Rocker Tattoos (arms ) can be replaced with those really cute arm bands in the fashion shop for 'dance party' , or can be removed altogether, the hair (Emolicious - blond)  , leggings (Swirl Girl - white), and also the red nose, and the Teddy Boots (white) are all non VIP , the accessories (VIP)are the crazy eyes on my head and the peace sign necklace , and unfortunately the beautiful red dress is VIP too  :/ , but if you get VIP  , the dress is called Frilly Fantasy :) x this whole outfit costs 3000sc, but without all the VIP items the other cost goes to a comfy 1550, nearly half the price! :o

This beautiful Spring Fashion Purple and White outfit is VIP  and I think the VIP version is better, of course if you are going to buy this outfit and you are non VIP  you can exchange the the Dotted Socks for trainers or furry boots, but most of this outfit isn't VIP  I did put the rocker tattoos underneath the Harlequin , (the jumper) , but you don't need to add that , unfortunately the hair , (Fire starter - Blond) is VIP, it is 2 colours, but I just changed it to one colour (blond) you can do this too if you want! :D Also the Swag Beats (headphones)  is VIP, but this is optional , as this outfit works without it as well :)  This outfit is 2850sc with all the vips items
Without the VIP items this outfit is 1250sc

This outfit has a good combination between 2 colours, white and pink, only 3 items on this outfit are actually VIP which can be exchanged for a non VIP accessory or removed altogether! :D , the only VIP items are the Fluffy Boots, The Winter Scarf, and the Heart Cheeks, the total cost of this swagalistic outfit is 3225, but without the VIP items this outfit is an awesome 2200! :)

This outfit is really alike the Red Nose Day Awareness outfit, only with a few items changed/swapped around! So this outfit , with VIP items is a budget-saving 2,500 , this outfit is called Prom Look - Buy by the way ;D but the non-VIP 

That's all from me today, bye-bye! :) x