Rainbow Arch Over Clouds

Friday, 3 May 2013

Spring-Early Summer Fashion :3

Hey Honeys!!!! Now it's spring, nearly summer! Get those short shorts and bikinis out, lets eat some hot dogs/hamburgers, salads and cocktail sausages! We gonna be roasting on the beach! :3
This totally red outfit has a cute dimming effect on the clothes, especially the scarf! Again, colours can be varied as such, but I honestly think the red and white are the best looking <3  Variation Colour Tips: Red and white, pink and white, black and white, blue and green  ツ This outfit, including all vip items costs 2,600sc, but without all the vip items only costs 1375sc! ;o
A totally ballerina-dress up party outfit perfect for any occasion, overall this outfit looks best in these colours , but suggested colours are: Light blue, black and silver/grey. This outfit, including all VIP items come to a nifty 2,700, but without the vip items comes around to 1,450 , nearly half the price xD
Here is a cute, casual outfit that reminds me of Spain..strangely? ;') Anyway, most of this outfit is VIP so we can call this  a VIP OUTFIT!! ;D , the hair is a rare, unless if you know someone who has this/ or you have it yourself, the hair is VERY rare.. :L This outfit, including vip items costs 2,150sc, very cheap :D . but without vip items this outfit is just 1,025 :D:D:DD:D:D:D:DD:D:D
This Parisian-style girl outfit is perfect for France! I can just imagine baguettes and  patisserie! :3 This outfit is a totally VIP outfit, costing about 1,700sc and 7 Diamonds, the pink dress outfit is 7 Diamonds By the way :/ , but without all the VIP things this outfit is a mere 750sc! Talk about a bargain! :3 , anyway, the dress can come in different colours...
Colour variation Tips: White and Grey, light blue and white, purple and black.

This glamorous outfit uses a top that used to be a rare, but has been brought back! (YAY :D) , most of this outfit  is vip unfortunately, but I just love the colours, you may also change the pink for a navy blue, or lime green colour :3
In total, with all the vip items this outfit costs 3075sc, but without the vip items this outfit only costs 2125 sc :D
Well, that's all from me today! xD Cya later! P.s Leave a comment for suggestions, or email me at baileysummersonmsp@gmail.com to get your look onto this blog! xO