Rainbow Arch Over Clouds

Friday, 3 May 2013

Spring-Early Summer Fashion :3

Hey Honeys!!!! Now it's spring, nearly summer! Get those short shorts and bikinis out, lets eat some hot dogs/hamburgers, salads and cocktail sausages! We gonna be roasting on the beach! :3
This totally red outfit has a cute dimming effect on the clothes, especially the scarf! Again, colours can be varied as such, but I honestly think the red and white are the best looking <3  Variation Colour Tips: Red and white, pink and white, black and white, blue and green  ツ This outfit, including all vip items costs 2,600sc, but without all the vip items only costs 1375sc! ;o
A totally ballerina-dress up party outfit perfect for any occasion, overall this outfit looks best in these colours , but suggested colours are: Light blue, black and silver/grey. This outfit, including all VIP items come to a nifty 2,700, but without the vip items comes around to 1,450 , nearly half the price xD
Here is a cute, casual outfit that reminds me of Spain..strangely? ;') Anyway, most of this outfit is VIP so we can call this  a VIP OUTFIT!! ;D , the hair is a rare, unless if you know someone who has this/ or you have it yourself, the hair is VERY rare.. :L This outfit, including vip items costs 2,150sc, very cheap :D . but without vip items this outfit is just 1,025 :D:D:DD:D:D:D:DD:D:D
This Parisian-style girl outfit is perfect for France! I can just imagine baguettes and  patisserie! :3 This outfit is a totally VIP outfit, costing about 1,700sc and 7 Diamonds, the pink dress outfit is 7 Diamonds By the way :/ , but without all the VIP things this outfit is a mere 750sc! Talk about a bargain! :3 , anyway, the dress can come in different colours...
Colour variation Tips: White and Grey, light blue and white, purple and black.

This glamorous outfit uses a top that used to be a rare, but has been brought back! (YAY :D) , most of this outfit  is vip unfortunately, but I just love the colours, you may also change the pink for a navy blue, or lime green colour :3
In total, with all the vip items this outfit costs 3075sc, but without the vip items this outfit only costs 2125 sc :D
Well, that's all from me today! xD Cya later! P.s Leave a comment for suggestions, or email me at baileysummersonmsp@gmail.com to get your look onto this blog! xO


  1. Hey rose here.... love the outfits! go to my new blog RosePetalPink's msp blog! Friend me on MSP My name is RosePetalPink! Thx! xD

  2. I luv the last 1 I want it lol add me on msp- areeba5

  3. want to add me-MillieSpark
