Rainbow Arch Over Clouds

Monday, 6 May 2013

Latest Spring Breeze Fashion

Hey people! I've figured out that I will do a new post every 2-3 days, as doing this everyday, I will simply run out of looks! Haha <3 , so without further ado I present .... Spring Breeze Fashion!!
This hot diva outfit is mostly VIP, but a few items are VIP such as: Face Lightning (Black 200sc), Harlequin Bow (Black and White 300sc) , Big baggy Scarf (White 350sc) and the Rocker Tattoo (Black 400sc) . This whole outfit has two rares which are : The top (British Punk 400sc) and the Hearts Tattoo 150sc. This outfit plus VIP items costs 3025sc! But without VIP items, plus rares means this outfit is only 1775sc :3

This simple but effective look has two main theme colours: White and blue, this outfit has a rare which is the Shirtingsuit (Blue top 350sc - Non VIP) , there are three VIP items in this outfit ; Dip Dye Waves (white and blonde hair 400sc ) , Lethal Leather (Blue and white patterned shorts 300sc) and the Furries (blue and white shoes 350sc) In total, with all VIP items this look is 1,750sc, the cheapest yet :3 , but without all the vip items this outfit is ONLY 700SC! OMG xD

This Gothic black outfit is perfect for any girls who like to show that they're not softies, that they are dangerous and naughty !! :'] 75% of this outfit is VIP : Sunny Sorbet (Black/Brown Hair 400sc) , Frilly fantasy (Black/White Dress 400sc) , Bubblegum (Black 300sc) , Raw and Ripped ( Black jeans 450sc) and the Star Bow (White Bow 300sc) .  On the whole this outfit costs 2850, quite a bargain! :3 . Without all the VIP items this outfit is barely 1000sc!
This cute outfit consists of a rare, 3 different main theme colours and shading!! Perfect for a VIP girl! Only 2 of these items are VIP  The Big and Snuggly (grey scarf 375sc) and Rocker Tattoos (Black , on sides of arms 400sc)  This whole outfit, plus VIP items and the rare Princess Toes (Shoes: 250sc) is 2650sc, VERY cheap, but without the VIP items and the rare shoes, this outfit is only 1625sc, nearly 1,000sc off! ;')❤Thats all from me today! My next post will be on Wednesday ! <3 Cya 

1 comment:

  1. Do you have bow shoes? I REALLY want a pair. If you have them and are willing to consider a trade, please look at my profile at laurenbeth and message me or email me at gschwartz@szalaw.com to let me know what you would want to make my day! Thanks!
