Rainbow Arch Over Clouds

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Summer Holidays!

It's the summer holidays!

User of the month: Clover2121. She's been spamming me with loves on my looks and giving me autograph's all the time :D And she also levelled up too! She's such a nice person so I totally think you should add her and like her beautiful looks (I've bought a few of them ;) )

Item of the month: Geo Skirt. I love Geo Skirts, they go with everything even if they're not the same colour as everything else in an outfit and they're so casual and cute. One time I saw someone with a long white top and a white Geo Skirt and it looked like a dress :O It was SO cool! They also look really good with Princess Toes too :) They're such a classic piece of a Moviestar's wardrobe and every girl should have one! :D

Summer is a time for bright, cute colours such as yellows, oranges, reds, and corals. So now, this combination of red-and-white, cute-and-cool outfit is really cute for going out on the beach chat rooms with your friends :) The top is slightly lighter than the skirt to make a nice contrast so the whole outfit in't too loud. 
NON-VIP Items: The only one in this whole outfit is the hair called Kiss Kiss Bang. I suppose the hair colour in this outfit could be any apart from red, yellow, or orange :3
VIP Items: Sprinkly Carnival (the collar) - 250sc, Heart Cheeks - 275sc, Ballerinas (shoes, they absolutely HAVE to be the opposite colour to your main outfit! Swap them out for Princess Toes too if you like) 375sc, Tiger Ears 350sc, Topsy (the top, it doesn't matter if it's on the darkest shade of red, it'll always look lighter!) - 350sc, Geometric Skirt (This month's Item of the Month!!) - 500sc. 

Overall without VIP Items: 500sc.
Overall with VIP-Items: 2600sc.

The top kinda reminds me of the football for some reason ;). Anyway, here is my light pink and dark pink contrast outfit that is lush for girly sports fans for the World Cup. I love the little bow in the hair and the thick eyeliner around the eyes d#so you still notice the blues :) Most of this outfit NON-VIP apart from the shorts and hair but you can easily swap for something maybe even better :D
NON-VIP Items: Thick Lashes - 500sc, Freckles (make them the colour of your top!) - 450sc, Pool Chillax (top) - 450sc, Espadrillos (shoes) - 425sc, Cancer Mark (birthsign) - 175sc, Pretty Corsage - 350sc.
VIP-Items: Denim Darling(shorts) - 400sc, Retro Glam (hair) - 525sc.

Overall without VIP-Items: 2250sc.
Overall with VIP-Items: 3175sc. :)

Calling all NON-VIP Moviestar's to this beautiful Hawaiian outfit! Absolutely no VIP Items or rares! Just one diamond item and that is the hair! But it can easily be swapped for a bun or ponytail style! :) This outfit looks like it's really expensive and VIP-like but it's really not! :D It's all under 2000sc! :OOO:O:O:O:O:O I bought this all the minute I created the look! 
Items: Flip Flop Flow - 500sc, Sweet Aloha (skirt) - 450sc, Lei Bikini (top) - 400sc, Rose Crown - 350sc, Tribal Tattoo - 50sc.
Diamond Item: Mile High Bun - 6 Diamonds. :)

Overall: 1750sc and 6 Diamonds! :D

As always, all the looks can be found in my ''By Bailey Summers of others'' on my moviestarplanet.co.uk account: Bailey Summers :) Please feel free to buy them and add me :D


  1. I love it!!:))

  2. Where do u get the pink shirt that has the word LA on it??

  3. Find me on msp @
    Hotchicmsp21 - I get VIP on Sunday

  4. Find me on msp @
    Hotchicmsp21 - I get VIP on Sunday
